CAPGEMINI Written Test: Aptitude, Reasoning, English; Questions and Answers with Explanations - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy (NRR)
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1. Find the next term in series ? 17 14 14 11 11 8 8

    A.8 5        B.5 2        C.8 2        D.5 5

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     In this simple subtraction with repetition series, each number is repeated, then 3 is subtracted to give the next number, which is then repeated, and so on.

2. A rainy day occurs once in every 10 days. Half of the rainy days produce rainbows. What percent of all the days do not produce rainbow ?

    A.95%        B.10%        C.50%        D.5%

    Answer: A

    Explanation:     Two rainy days occur in 20 days. So, rainbow will occur once in 20 days. Rest 19 days will have not rainbow. % of not producing rainbows = 19/ 20 * 100 = 95%

3. If 5 spiders can catch five flies in five minutes. How many flies can hundred spiders catch in 100 minutes ?

    A.100        B.1000        C.500        D.2000

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     One spider catches one fly in 5 minutes. 100 spider catches 100 fly in 5 minutes. In 100 minutes 100 × 20 = 2000 flies will be caught.

4. DIRECTIONS for Questions 4and 7 Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.   In a local pet store, seven puppies wait to be introduced  to their new owners. The puppies, named Ashlen, Blakely, Custard, Daffy, Earl, Fala and Gabino, are all kept in two available pens. Pen 1 holds three puppies, and pen 2 holds four puppies. If Gabino is kept in pen 1, then Daffy is not kept in pen 2. If Daffy is not kept in pen 2, then Gabino is kept in pen 1.  If Ashlen is kept in pen 2, then Blakely is not kept in pen 2. If Blakely is kept in pen 1, then Ashlen is not kept in pen 1. Which of the following groups of puppies could be in pen 2?

    A.Gabino, Daffy, Custard, Earl.    B.Blakely, Gabino, Ashlen, Daffy    C.Ashlen, Gabino, Earl, Custard    D.Blakely, Custard, Earl, Fala.       Answer: C

    Explanation:     Consider option A: If Gabino, Daffy, Custard and Earl are in pen 2, then Ashlen and Blakely will be in pen 1 which is not possible according to the last     condition given. Therefore Option 1 is not correct. Consider option B: According to condition 3 both Ashlen and Blakely cannot be in pen 2 together.     Therefore Option 2 is not correct. Consider option C: In the second condition it is given that if Daffy is not kept in pen 2 then Gabino is kept in pen 1.    Therefore Option 3 is not correct.

5. If Earl shares a pen with Fala, then which of the following MUST be true ?

    A.Gabino is in pen 1 with Daffy.    B.Custard is in pen 2.    C.Blakely is in pen 2 and Fala is in pen 1.    D.Earl is in pen 1.

    Answer: B

    Explanation:     If Earl shares a pen with Fala, then Earl and Fala can both be either in pen 1 or in pen 2, Now, if Earl and Fala both are in pen 1 then one of Ashlen     and Blakely have to be in pen 2 as they both cannot be together in one pen. Therefore Custard has to be in pen 2. If Earl and Fala both are     in pen 2 then also one of Ashlen and Blakely have to be in pen 2. Then Gabino and Daffy will be in pen 1 with one of Ashlen and Blakeley.    Therefore Custard will be in pen 2. Therefore In both the cases Custard will be in pen 2. Hence, option B

6. If Earl and Fala are in different pens, then which of the following must NOT be true ?

    A.Gabino shares a pen with Ashlen.    B.Earl is in a higher-numbered pen than Blakely.    C.Blakely shares pen 2 with Earl and Daffy.    D.Custard is in a higher-numbered pen than Fala.

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     If Earl and Fala both are in different pens then there are two cases possible Case (i): Earl is in pen 1 and Fala in pen 2.     Case (ii): Fala is in pen 1 and Earl is in pen 2. Case (i) Earl is in pen 1 and Fala is in pen 2. Gabino and Daffy have to be together    in one pen and they cannot be in pen 1 as one of Ashlen and Blakely have to be in pen 1 and pen 1 can holds 3 puppies.     Therefore Gabino and Daffy will be in pen 2, and Custard has to be in pen 1. Pen 1 will have Earl, Custard and one of Ashlen and Blakely.     Pen 2 will have Fala, Gabino, Daffy and one of Ashlen and Blakely. Custard has to be in pen 1 Custard cannot be in a higher-numbered pen than Fala.    Similarly in Case (ii) Fala will be in pen 1 but Custard will also be in pen 1. Custard cannot be in a higher-numbered pen than Fala.    Option 5 must not be true. Hence, option 5

7. DIRECTIONS for Questions 7 and 12: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. Five colleagues pooled their efforts during the office   lunch-hour to solve the crossword in the daily paper. Colleagues: Mr. Bineet, Mr. Easwar, Ms. Elsie, Ms. Sheela, Ms. Titli. Answers: Burden, Barely, Baadshah,  Rosebud. Silence. Numbers: 4 down, 8 across, 15 across, 15 down, 21 across. Order: First, second, third, fourth, fifth. 1. Titli produced the answer to 8 across,   which had the same number of letters as the previous answer to be inserted, and one more than the subsequent answer which was produced by one of the men.   2. It was not Bineet who solved the clue to 'Burden', and Easwar did not solve 4 down. 3. The answers to 15 across and 15 down did not have the same number of letters. 4. 'Silence', which was not the third word to be inserted, was the answer to an across clue. 5. 'Barely' was the first word to be entered in the grid, but 'Baadshah' was not the second answer to be found. 6. Elsie's word was longer than Bineet's; Sheela was neither the first nor the last lo  come up with an answer. 7. Fifth one to be worked out was an answer to an across clue.     What was Sheela's word ?

    A.Baadshah        B.Silence        C.Rosebud        D.Barely

    Answer: B

    Explanation:     =>In condition (I) it is given that the answer that Titli produced had the same number of letters as the previous answer and one more than the     subsequent answer. The answer given by Titli can be Rosebud or Silence. =>It is given that Barely was the first word to be entered. The word entered    after the answer given by Titli will be Burden. The order of these three words can be: Rosebud, Silence and Burden or Silence, Rosebud and Burden.    It is also given that Baadshah is not the second word. Therefore Baadshah has to be the fifth word entered. The order of answers will be: Barely,    Rosebud, Silence, Burden and Baadshah. OR Barely, Silence, Rosebud, Burden and Baadshah. =>From condition 4 we get that Silence is not     the third word. The order of answers will be: Barely, Silence, Rosebud, Burden and Baadshah. i.e. Rosebud was the answer given by Titli.    Therefore The arrangement till now can be represented in the form of table as shown below: Order Answer Colleague Number First Barely     Second Silence Third Rosebud Titli 8 across Fourth Burden Fifth Baadshah One of the men gave the answer after the answer given by Titli.    And from condition 2 we get that it was not Bineet who gave the answer Burden. Therefore the answer 'Burden' was given by Mr. Easwar.     =>From conditions 4 and 7 we get that 'Silence' and the Fifth answer are answers to across clues. Sheela was neither the first nor the last to     come up with the answer. Sheela must have answered the second clue. =>From condition 6 we get that Elsie's answer was longer than Bineet's.     Elsie must have answered the fifth clue and Bineet must have answered the first clue. It is given that Easwer did not solve 4 down.     Order Answer Colleague Number First Barely Bineet 4 down Second Silence Sheela across Third Rosebud Titli 8 across Fourth Burden Easwar 15 down    Fifth Baadshah Elsie across Now the number of the second and fifth answer is not known, only it is known that they were answers to across clues.8. What could be Titli's answer ?

    A.First        B.Second        C.Third        D.Fourth

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     Titli gave the answer to the third question.

9. What was Bineet's word ?

    A.Barely        B.Burden        C.Silence        D.Rosebud

    Answer: A

    Explanation:     Bineet's word is Barely.

10. What was Easwar's number ?

    A.4 down        B.21 across        C.8 across        D.15 down

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     Easwar's number is 15 down.

11. What was Titli's order ?

    A.First        B.Second            C.Third            D.Fourth

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     Titli gave the answer to the third question.

12. If y = FO (D.V.) is not a null set, it implies that:

    A.All fish are vertebrates.    B.All dogs are vertebrates.        C.Some fish are dogs.    D.None of the above.

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     Fish U (Dogs ∩ Vertebrate) ≠ @ implies that some elements are common between Fish and Dogs.13. DIRECTIONS for Questions 13 and 15:  Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below: A and B are two sets (e.g. A = mothers, B = women). The elements that could belong to both the sets (e.g. women who are mothers) is given by the set C = A.B. The elements which could belong to either A or B, or both is indicated by the set D = AOB. A set that does not contain any elements is known as a null set, represented by @(for example, if none of the women in the set B is a mother, then C = A.B. is a null set, or C = @. Let 'V' signify the set of all vertebrates; 'M' the set of all mammals; 'D' dogs; 'F' fish; 'A' Alsatian and 'P' a dog named Pluto.     If P . A = @ and P U A = D, then which of the following is true ?

    A.Pluto and Alsatian are dogs    B.Pluto is an Alsatian        C.Pluto is not an Alsatian        D.D is a null set.

    Answer: A

    Explanation:     P . A = @ implies P into is not an Alsatian, but P U A = D implies both. P and A are dogs.

14. If Z = (P.D.) OM, then        A.The elements of Z consist of Pluto the dog or any other mammal.    B.Z implies any dog or mammal.    C.Z implies Pluto or any dog that is a mammal.    D.Z is a null set.

    Answer: A

    Explanation:     Z = (Pluto ∩ Dogs) U Mammals = Pluto U Mammals.

15. Given that X = M.D. is such that X = D, which of the following is true ?

    A.All dogs are mammals    B.Some dogs are mammals.        C.X = @        D.All mammals are dogs.

    Answer: A

    Explanation:     X = Mammals ∩ Dogs = Dogs, hence dogs are mammals.

16. DIRECTIONS for Questions 16 and 20:  Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below: Five numbers A, B, C, D and E are to be arranged in an array in such a manner that they have a common prime factor between two consecutive numbers. These integers are such that: A has a prime factor P, B has two prime factors Q and R C has two prime factors Q and S D has two prime factors P and S E has two prime factors P and R Which of the following  is an acceptable order, from left to right, in which the numbers can be arranged ?

    A.D, E, B, C, A        B.B, A, E, D, C        C.B, C, D, E, A        D.B, C, E, D, A

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     No.1 A ---- P D----(S/ P) E ----- (P/R) B ------ (R/Q) C ----- (Q/S) OR D ---(S/P) A---- P E ---- (P/R) B -----(R/Q) C ----- (Q/S)    NO.2 A ---- P E ----- (P/R) B ------ (R/Q) C ----- (Q/S) D----(S/ P) NO.3 A ---- P E ----- (R/P) D----(P/S) C ----- (S/Q) B ------ (Q/R)

17. If the number E is arranged in the middle with two numbers on either side of it, all of the following must be true, EXCEPT:

    A.A and D are arranged consecutively    B.B and C are arranged consecutively    C.B and E are arranged consecutively    D.A is arranged at one end in the array

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     By checking the given options.

18. If number E is not in the list and the other four numbers are arranged properly, which of the following must be true ?       A.A and D can not be the consecutive numbers.    B.A and B are to be placed at the two ends in the array.    C.A and C are to be placed at the two ends in the array.    D.C and D can not be the consecutive numbers.

    Answer: B

    Explanation:     A ---- P D----(P/S) C ----- (S/Q) B ------ (Q/R)

19. If number B is not in the list and other four numbers are arranged properly, which of the following must be true ?

    A.A is arranged at one end in the array.    B.C is arranged at one end in the array.    C.D is arranged at one end in the array.    D.E is arranged at one end in the array.

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     A ---- P E ----- (P/R) D----(S/ P) C ----- (Q/S) or E ----- (P/R) A ---- P D----(S/ P) C ----- (Q/S)

20. If B must be arranged at one end in the array, in how many ways the other four numbers can be arranged ?

    A.1        B.2        C.3        D.4

    Answer: B

    Explanation:     B ------ (R/Q) C ----- (Q/S) D----(S/ P) E ----- (P/R) A ---- P OR B ------ (R/Q) E ----- (P/R) A ---- P D----(S/ P) C ----- (Q/S)

21. What is the ratio of the two liquids A and B in the mixture finally, if these two liquids kept in three vessels are mixed together. Statement 1. The ratio of liquid A to liquid B in the first and second vessel is, respectively, 3: 5, 2: 3. Statement 2. The ratio liquid A to liquid B in vessel 3 is 4: 3.

    A.using 1st Statement only       B.using 2nd statement only    C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement    E.Cannot be answered even by using both the statement

    Answer: E

    Explanation:     Although the containers are of equal volume, it is not known to what extent these containers are filled by the liquids A and B.    (i.e. the first container might be half full, while the second might be two-thirds full). Until such details are known, the final ratio of liquids A and B     cannot be found out.

22. What is the number of type 2 widgets produced, if the total number of widgets produced is 20,000? Statement 1. If the production of type - 1 widgets increases by 10% and that of type-2 decreases by 6%, the total production remains the same. Statement 2. The ratio in which type - 1 and type - 2  widgets are produced is 2: 1. If the number of type - 1 widgets produced is A and that of type - 2 widgets is B,

    A.using 1st Statement only        B.using 2nd statement only        C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     then we get the basic equation [A + B = 20,000] from the data in the question. From 1st statement, we get [1.1 A + 0.94 B = 20,000].    This is enough to give us the value of B. Similarly from 2nd statement, we get A = 2B. This is enough to give us the value of B.

23. How old is Sachin in 1997 ? Statement 1. Sachin is 11 years younger than Anil whose age will be prime number in 1998. Statement 2. Anil's age was a prime number in 1996.

    A.using 1st Statement only    B.using 2nd statement only    C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement    E.Cannot be answered even by using both the statement

    Answer: E       Explanation:     Anil's age was a prime number in 1996 and 1998. So Anil's age in these two yeas can be a pair of such numbers which are prime, and differ by 2.     We have many such pairs - (3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13)..... And it is not possible to arrive at a unique answer.

24. How many different triangles can be formed ? Statement 1. There are 16 coplanar, straight lines in all. Statement 2. No two lines are parallel.

    A.using 1st Statement only    B.using 2nd statement only    C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement    E.Cannot be answered even by using both the statement

    Answer: E

    Explanation:     Although it is known that none of the lines are parallel to each other, there might be the case wherein all the lines have exactly one point of     intersection, or eight lines with one point and the other eight with another point of Intersection. Unless something about the relative arrangement    of these lines is known, one cannot arrive at definite answer.

25. Around a circular table six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting. Who is on the immediate left to A? Statement 1: B is opposite to C and D is opposite to EStatement 2: F is on the immediate left to B and D is to the left of B

    A.using 1st Statement only        B.using 2nd statement only        C.using both 1st and 2nd statemen        D.using 1st or 2nd statement

    Answer: C26. What is the total worth of Lakhiram's assets ? Statement 1. Compound interest at 10% on his assets, followed by a tax of 4% on the interest, fetches him Rs. 15000 this year. Statement 2. The interest is compounded once every four months. Let Lakhiram's assets be worth Rs. X.

    A.using 1st Statement only    B.using 2nd statement only        C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     In the case of compound interest, the period of reckoning or calculation of CI is very important. This information is given in statement (b).     The annual CI rate is 10%, so the rate for 4 months is (4/12) 10 = (10/3) %. So the total CI after one year, in terms of X, may be written     as: CI = X [(1 + ((10/3)/100)]3, because in a year, there are 3 terms of 4 months. This interest is followed by a tax of 4% paid by him which     ultimately fetches Lakhiram Rs. 1500. This data us to find the value of X, so the answer is (3).

27. A, B, C, D, E are five positive numbers. A + B < C + D, B + C < D + E, C + D < E + A. Is 'A' the greatest ? Statement 1: D + E < A + B. Statement 2: E < C.

    A.using 1st Statement only    B.using 2nd statement only        C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     A + B < C + D B + C < D + E C + D < E + A D + E < A + B E < C Adding, A + 2B < 2A + B i.e. B < A

28. A sequence of numbers a1, a2..... is given by the rule an 2 = an+1. Do 3 appear in the sequence ? Statement 1: a1 = 2 Statement 2: a3 = 16

    A.using 1st Statement only    B.using 2nd statement only        C.using both 1st and 2nd statement    D.using 1st or 2nd statement

    Answer: D

    Explanation:     Put n = 1 in an2 = an+1 a12 = a2, a22 = a3, a32 = a4 etc From statement 1: a12 = a2 i.e. 22 = a2 or a2 = 4 Now, a22 = a3     i.e. 42 = a3 or a3 = 16, etc Thus, a1 = 2, a2 = 4, a3 = 16, etc

29. The average of 5 quantities is 6. The average of 3 of them is 8. What is the average of the remaining two numbers ?

    A.6.5        B.4        C.3        D.3.5

    Answer: C

    Explanation:     The average of 5 quantities is 6. Therefore, the sum of the 5 quantities is 5 * 6 = 30. The average of three of these 5 quantities is 8.    Therefore, the sum of these three quantities = 3 * 8 = 24 The sum of the remaining two quantities = 30 - 24 = 6. Average of     these two quantities = 6/2= 3.

30. The function f(x) = |x - 2| + |2.5 - x| + |3.6 - x|, where x is a real number, attains a minimum at:-

    A.x = 2.3        B.x = 2.5        C.x = 2.7            D.none of the above.

    Answer: B

    Explanation:     Case 1: If x < 2, then y = 2 - x + 2.5 - x + 3.6 - x = 8.1 - 3x. This will be least if x is highest i.e. just less than 2. In this case y will be just    more than 2.1 Case 2: If 2

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