Data Interpretation (DI) tips for the Exams / Tests

Hi, welcome to nrrbeassistance.blogspot.comIn exams, under quantitative aptitude section you may expect 10-15 questions from the data interpretation (DI) concepts. We brought some useful tips help you to solve correctly and fast.

Quantitative Aptitude Data Interpretation (DI) tips for the examinations

Data Interpretation is one of the easy sections of one day competitive Examinations. It is an extension of Mathematical skill and accuracy. Data interpretation is nothing but drawing conclusions and inferences from a comprehensive data presented numerically in tabular form by means of an illustration, viz. Graphs, Pie Chart etc. Thus the act of organising and interpreting data to get meaningful information is Data Interpretation. 

A good grasp of basic geometric as well as arithmetic formulae is must to score high in this section. Familiarity with graphical representation of data like Venn diagrams, graphs, pie charts, histogram, polygon etc. should be thought. Once the data are grasped well, questions based on tables and graphs take little time.

In some competitive examinations data are presented in more than one table or graphs. The aim is to test not only quantitative skill but also relative, comparative and analytical ability. The crux of the matter is to find a relationship between the two tables or graphs before attempting the questions.

Some Useful tips:
1 . Data Interpretation questions are based on information given in tables and graphs. These questions test your ability to interpret the information presented and to select the appropriate data for answering a question.

2 . Get a general picture of the information before reading the question. Read the given titles carefully and try to understand its nature.

3 . Avoid lengthy calculations generally, data interpretation questions do not require to do extensive calculations and computations. Most questions simply require reading the data correctly and carefully and putting them to use directly with common sense.

4 . Breakdown lengthy questions into smaller parts and eliminate impossible choices.

5 . Use only the information given and your knowledge of everyday facts, such as the number of hours in a day, to answer the questions based on tables and graphs.

6 . Answer the questions asked and not what you think the questions should be.

7 . Be careful while dealing with units.

8 . To make reading easier and to avoid errors observe graphs keeping them straight.

9 . Be prepared to apply basic mathematical rules, principles and formulae.

10. Since one of the major benefits of graphs and tables is that they present data in a form that enables you to readily make comparisons, use this visual attribute of graphs and tables to help you answer the questions. Where possible, use your eyes instead of your computational skills.

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