Data Interpretation (DI) Graphs tips for the Exams

Hi, welcome to nrrbeassistance.blogspot.comIn bank exams, under quantitative aptitude section you may expect 10-15 questions from the data interpretation (DI) concepts. Here we brought the graphs types with some useful tips help you to solve correctly and fast.

Quantitative Aptitude Data Interpretation (DI) Graphs tips for the examinations

There may be four types of graphs.

Circle Graphs

Circle graphs are used to show how various sectors are in the whole. Circle graphs are sometimes called Pie Charts. Circle graphs usually give the percent that each sector receives In such representation the total quantity in question is distributed over a total angle of 360°. 

While using circle graphs to find ratios of various sectors, don't find the amounts each sector received and then the ratio of the amounts. Find the ratio of the percents, which is much quicker.

Line Graphs

Line graphs are used to show how a quantity changes continuously. If the line goes up, the quantity is increasing; if the line goes down, the quantity is decreasing; if the line is horizontal, the quantity is not changing.

Bar Graphs

Given quantities can be compared by the height or length of a bar graph. A bar graph can have either vertical or horizontal bars. You can compare different quantities or the same quantity at different times. In bar graph the data is discrete. Presentation of data in this form makes evaluation of parameters comparatively very easy.

Cumulative Graphs

You can compare several catagories by a graph of the cumulative type. These are usually bar or line graphs where the height of the bar or line is divided up proportionally among different quantities.

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