Mental Maths Square Roots Techniques for Exams

Hi, welcome to nrrbeassistance.blogspot.comMental Maths Addition Techniques, Tricks and Shortcuts for the jobs, bank exams like RBI / SBI / IBPS CWE / RRB, etc. Useful in the preparation of quantitative aptitude &/ numerical ability for the pupil preparing probationary officers (PO) / specialist officer (SO) / manager / assistants / clerks posts and other.

Mental Maths Square Roots Techniques, Tricks and Shortcuts

Separate the number into groups of 2 digits or less beginning from the right
Ex.: (66049)1/2 like this 6 60 49
  • What number can be squared and be less than 6 = 2 with a reminder of 2
  • Bring down the second group of digits next to the remainder to give 260
  • Double the first part of the answer to get 4, divide into 26 of the 260 to get 6 as a trial number
  • Use 4 & 6 to get 46 and multiply by 6 to equal 276 which is larger than 260, therefore try 5
  • Use 4 & 5 to get 45, 45 x 5 = 225, 260 – 225 = 35, bring down the 49 to get 3549
  • Double the 25 to get 50, divide 50 into 354 to get 7 as a trial second part of divisor
  • Use 50 & 7 to get 507 and multiply 507 x 7 to get 3549 with no remainder.
See complete calculations below:


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