CUBE ROOTS Techniques and Tricks for Exams

Hi, welcome to nrrbeassistance.blogspot.comIn exams, under quantitative aptitude or numerical ability section you may expect 10-15 questions from the mathematical concepts. We brought the Cube Roots techniques, tricks, shortcuts help you to solve correctly and fast.

Mental Maths CUBE ROOTS Techniques, Tricks and Shortcuts

Cube of 1 = 1, 2 = 8, 3 = 27, 4 = 64, 5 = 125, 6 = 216, 7 = 343, 8 = 512, 9 = 729

Note: no result ends in the same digit

(300763)1/3  Divide in to groups of 3 from right = 300 763

Note: the number ends in a 3. Last digit of cube will be 7 if this is a cube without a remainder

Since 7 cubed = 343 and 6 cubed = 216, the left most group of 300 is between them and we must use the smaller, or 6.

The answer is 67 This method works up to 1,000,000 for true cubes

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