Database Management System DBMS PK Bits PDF

Database Management System Bits

RAD stands for:
a. Rotate application development
b. Register application development
c. Related application development
d. Rapid application development
Ans: D

Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating tables to be union-compatible?
(A) Union (B) Intersection (C) Difference (D) Join
Ans: D

Which of the following is not a property of transactions?
(A) Atomicity (B) Concurrency (C) Isolation (D) Durability
Ans: B

Relational Algebra does not have
(A) Selection operator. (B) Projection operator.
(C) Aggregation operators. (D) Division operator.
Ans: C

Checkpoints are a part of
(A) Recovery measures. (B) Security measures.
(C ) Concurrency measures. (D) Authorization measures.
Ans: A

Tree structures are used to store data in
(A) Network model. (B) Relational model.
(C) Hierarchical model. (D) File based system.
Ans: C

The language that requires a user to specify the data to be retrieved without specifying exactly how to get it is
(A) Procedural DML. (B) Non-Procedural DML.
(C) Procedural DDL. (D) Non-Procedural DDL
Ans: B

The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is called a
(A) Referential constraint. (B) Index.
(C) Integrity constraint. (D) Functional dependency.
Ans: A

The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is
(A) View (B) Order by (C) Group by (D) Having
Ans: B

What is a disjoint less constraint?
(A) It requires that an entity belongs to no more than one level entity set.
(B) The same entity may belong to more than one level.
(C) The database must contain an unmatched foreign key value.
(D) An entity can be joined with another entity in the same level entity set.
Ans: A

According to the levels of abstraction, the schema at the intermediate level is called
(A) Logical schema. (B) Physical schema. (C) Subschema. (D) Super schema.
Ans: A

Which is proper subset designed to support ‘views’ belonging to different classes of users in order to hid or protect information:
a. Schema b. Subschema c. Non-schema d. None-subschema
Ans: B

Which are the types of physical DBMS architecture can be split :
a. Back end b. Front end c. Both d. None
Ans: C

A data dictionary is a repository that manages _____:
a. Database b. Memory c. Metadata d. All of these
Ans: D

Which is used to specify the user views and their mappings to the conceptual schema:
a. DDL b. DML c. SDL d. VDL
Ans: D

A DBMS provides users with the conceptual representation of:
a. Register b. Data c. Logical view d. Physical view
Ans: b

_______is a program or set of program that interacts with the database at some point in its execution:
a. A database system b. A database application c. Both d. None
Ans: A

How many basic operation performed in DBMS:
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Ans: b

Shadow paging is _______
a. Paging mechanism
b. Page fault avoidence mechanism
c. Concurrency control method in database
d. Regulate dataflow in a network
Ans: C

…………..defines the structure of a relation which consists of a fixed set of attribute-domain pairs.
A) Instance B) Schema c) Program D) Super Key
Ans: B

The database schema is written in
Ans: C

 ……………… clause is an additional filter that is applied to the result.
A) Select B) Group-by C) Having D) Order by
Ans: C

A database management system are very complex_____:
a. Art b. Command c. Languages d. System
Ans: D

The DML is called:
a. Sublanguages b. Host languages c. VDL d. DDL
Ans: A

A relation is considered a:
A. Column. B. One-dimensional table.
C. Two-dimensional table.
D. Three-dimensional table.
Ans- C

Relational algebra is a query language that takes two relations as input and produces another relation as an o/p of the query
A) Relational B) Procedural C) Structural D) Fundamental

A logical schema
A. is the entire database
B. is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts
C. describes how data is actually stored on disk
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

The ______ is used on a department level
a.) data mart     b.)data warehouse    c.)data mining     d.)dbms

Which normal form is considered adequate for relational database design?
A. 2 NF B. 3 NF C. 4 NF D. BCNF E. None of these
Ans- B
Explanation: For single valued attribute BCNF and for multi valued 4NF so overall relational database 4NF

What is table mutation situation in DBMS?
a-a situation when a user updating table while other is trying to access
b-a situation when lots of users are trying to access a table and dbms become slow
c-connection pooling of dbms reached at beyond its limit.
d-when a table has no data to access.
e-none of these
Ans- a

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